Sunday, August 16, 2015

Week 45 - Sleep oh how I have missed you

Since I started going to the acupuncturist, I've been making more of an effort to sleep more. She keeps telling me that what I need is sleep and that it will help my thyroid heal much faster if I can get better rest. Good news is that Nathan stopped doing the flop and kick when we try to put him down for bed. The bad news is that he just rolls right over and stands up in the crib and cry until we pick him up. This routine usually starts around 9-10pm. By the 5th time of trying to put him back down, Jackson just lets him stay up and play in his room until I can nurse him and then he'll fall back asleep for a couple more hours. Part of the problem is that he can stand up but hasn't figured out how to get back down yet. Day after day without a good night sleep, he has been more cranky than usual, especially during mealtime. My body is so sleep deprived that it takes a long time for me to fall asleep and I haven't been able to stay asleep for more than a couple of hours.

It is literally by the grace of God that I was able to function semi-normally during the day. At least when he naps well, I can get a power nap in and recharge for the next few hours. But he only naps when I nurse him and put him down in our bed. This week I tried to get the laundry done when he fell asleep instead of napping with him, and of course, that's the time when he wakes up within a few minutes and falls off the bed. I heard him crying from downstairs and ran up as fast as I could knowing that he must have fallen off. I felt so bad. Thank God he wasn't badly hurt. Just a small bump on his eyebrow that went down after a few hours. Once he starts sleeping better, I really have to try to transition him to napping in the crib, which will probably mean some crying on his part and heartache on my part.

On another note, Nathan likes to hand things to me and then I'll hand it back to him. It's like a fun game. He also loves hanging out with Guixiang his babysitter. She is SO good with him, it's been such a blessing to have her help out once a week.

Happy boy after a good nap

Girls fellowship before school starts

He always looks so cozy in comfy in daddy's arms

With auntie Echo

That's when you know he's in a deep sleep

With auntie Guixiang

Favorite pose - I took him out grocery shopping since he wouldn't nap

Bath time fun!

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