Monday, April 6, 2015

Family Visit - Easter Weekend and 6 months!

It was so great having the family together over Easter weekend (we missed you Colin!) at Mad and Ruddy's. An extra bonus to our annual trip to the Poconos. It was fun seeing all the kids interact and play together, although it was a little crazy at times, haha! Meal time gets more and more informal as our family gets bigger. Now the system is "food's on the table in the kitchen and whoever wants to eat go get it". It's interesting to see how our dynamic has evolved over the years. We take turns eating and chatting and watching each other's kids, taking silly photos. Jackson was being the usual fun uncle playing hide and seek and wrestling on the couch with the kids. I was having an awesome time just sitting and chatting and enjoying the Keurig-made coffee. Can't wait for our Poconos trip this year when we'll have Aurora with us! The number of kids will equal the number of adults by then, and in a couple more years, we're going to be outnumbered!

They're so cute playing together. I love listening to them having a conversation with each other.

This was just brilliant. We were wondering how we were going to get all the kids to sit on the couch for a picture, and then somehow Heather spontaneously decided this would be easier since a couple of the kids were already lying on the ground watching TV so we just one by one added them next to each other. Lucien did not like this photo op.

John Mark and Anthem playing with Nathan. They're so good with the babies.

Nathan learning to share his toys at a young age


Another awesome photo idea from Aunt Heather - she bought matching shirts for the boys! I love the progression of these pictures.

Love this - JM is such a good guh-guh!

Anthem playing with Nathan - so cute!

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